Homesteading Skills

Upcoming DFW Homesteading Classes
THANK YOU to all of our incredible instructors and students who made the 2023 summer homesteading classes so enjoyable! We learned how to make Gluten Free Sourdough from the talented Elizabeth Hall, how to save lives and Stop the Bleed from the crew at T3R Medical Training Group, how easy and cost-effective it is to make fire cider, tinctures, kombucha, yogurt and kefir from crunchy super mama Andrea Heath, how to make the most luscious goat milk soap from Leanne Nipp of Rusty Acres, how to turn pork into multiple types of delicious sausages with Shawn Kelly, and how to be situationally aware of your surroundings with veteran and first responder Matt Shipp. Seriously, it was an amazing summer of classes!
What do you want to learn? Who would you like to learn from?